Did you miss the last MoonCast? The MoonCast transcript from last Sunday’s episode is live. To view, click here.
Veno’s Riddle

Wednesday at 8:00 pm EST, be on the lookout for the reveal.
“Simplicity is often underestimated. The smallest ideas can sometimes have the largest impacts. #SafeMoon #SafeMoonArmy” Veno tweets.
S A F E M _ _N _ _ E
M O V E _ O _ 2

Swap & Liquify
To further explain Swap & Liquify, Explorer, one of our wonderful Discord moderators stated, “I made an attempt at visualizing how the #SAFEMOON Swap and Liquify function works in hopes of it being easier to understand than a wall of text.“

Crypto Safety 101
Discord moderator Picipici shares some crypto safety tips:
If someone reaches out to you first and claims to be Mod/Admin/Technical Support, they are not.
Don’t connect your wallet to websites that you don’t know.
Don’t share your seed phrases/private keys with anyone.
If you want to use other wallets, don’t transfer, just use your seed phrases/private key to import your address into the new wallet app. This way you can avoid unnecessary transfer fees. By doing this, you can use multiple wallets simultaneously!
DYOR – Do Your Own Research. You’re responsible for educating yourself about the projects you are in and safe crypto practices.
If you are unsure about something, don’t be scared to reach out to someone that can help you (only from official places).
On SafeMoon Discord [and in the Official SafeMoon Facebook Group] there are always Mods available that are ready to help you.
Be safe out there SafeMoon Army!
SafeMoon Standard
Yesterday, Global Community Manager Mr. Adult encouraged the SafeMoon Army to do good by saying, “Inspire to action. Support to create traction. Freedom of all nations. And a pizza or two. 🍕”
Today he gave the community the opportunity to talk about those actions, tweeting, “Tell me your good deeds. Delivered or received. How has life been made better for others? Let’s celebrate doing good and inspire others to do the same.”

He received several responses from the SafeMoon Army:

“I shoveled the snow for my 90 year old neighbor’s driveway the other day”

“While listening to @NesmithJeremiah’s Space Saturday night, I was hanging mitts & hats on trees downtown for anyone in need…”

“Stayed up late (I don’t usually) to hear a friend out 🙂 I’m very glad you are one of the community leads. Keep it up.”

“My wife and I stepped out in faith a year and a half ago bought a small farm. We did this to see people lifted up. We have a lot of plans but this year we are looking for ten families to partner with to give them a share of our crops and flowers at whatever price they can.” “The goal is to target families that wouldn’t normally be able to access quality food. People that are normally in a place that can’t afford farm fresh food like ours. Identifying those families we want to partner with them so if all they can pay is 10 cents, they will still be [able]…”
“to get a share of our crop each week all harvest. Our motive is to see people loved and in a meaningful way that isn’t charity. We hope it is something where young moms can have dignity in what’s on [their] table for [their] children (as an example). @NealMarcellus

“My mom to me. I was born on my [mother’s] birthday :3. So we share the same birthday. Every year is a gift ❤️”

“I started giving away some SafeMoon on Twitter from my own bag. I don’t have much compared to others , but will do anything for someone to have and to hold , in sickness and in health , till death it do part …Safemoon 🙃”
“Community is much more than belonging to something; it’s about doing something together that makes belonging matter.”
John on the SafeMoon Community Discord
SFM Holder: Monday is a drag, got any good news?
John: Don’t let Monday drag you down. You’re stronger than a single day!
SFM Holder: I just hope they stop using cmc for safemoon wallet. Price is inaccurate
John: Ryan is currently working through this 😊
SFM Holder: I know this question has been asked numerous times. But do we have an idea when the buy (straight bank transfer) button will be available? I’m ready to grab a bunch more but the fees killing my vibe.
John: Team is also working on this. As well as the SafeMoon card.
SFM Holder: Any update on the e-money license John?
John: Paperwork…
Mr Adult:


John’s most used GIF. Shall we call him Cat John? 🤭

“Perfection is a journey, not a destination.”