SafeMoon Connect
Ryan Arriaga, SafeMoon’s Global Head of Products, tweeted about SafeMoon Connect and how the SafeMoon Ecosystem will provide a simple process for companies to bridge into Web 3.0. “We’ll bridge the gap between Web 3/crypto & Web 2.0 companies. Many web2 companies want to dip their toes into the space, but don’t know how or are far behind. Our #SAFEMOON ecosystem will be the simple, streamlined way to do this. We’re creating our own path. #SAFEMOONCONNECT“. He also added an image which says, “Stop following the crowd.. They are lost.”

Meta IoT
What is the metaverse?
The metaverse is functionally an online 3D universe, where you can socialize, create and explore within the confines of certain digital parameters.
There isn’t just one metaverse, either. You could think of certain open world games as instances of the metaverse, like Fortnite or Minecraft. But perceiving the metaverse as something exclusively for gaming would be taking a very narrow view. The metaverse as a concept could be adopted by virtually every industry.
Businesses can use the metaverse to create a virtual space for meetings when employees are scattered across the world. Schools could create immersive virtual classrooms for distance learning students, tourists could explore Earth – or even new worlds that we create, [businesses could host virtual meetings, medical facilities could host educational ‘hands on’ conventions for healthcare professionals, the possibilities are endless.] Another cool use of the metaverse could be to map out a digital representation of a city to optimize city planning in a physical space. Having computer generated mock-ups is fine, but how much more immersive would it be to physically BE in the space you’re designing in real time?
How might Meta IoT be utilized by SafeMoon? [“META IOT is the evolution of Macro IoT,” SafeMoon CEO John Karony said. To get an understanding of how SafeMoon could utilize the Metaverse,] I imagine that part of the wind turbine aspect of Operation Pheonix [could] involve using sensor networks to measure the physical conditions of the environment.
What if we could use sensor networks to measure conditions of an environment over time, and use that data to optimize decision making on where to deploy more infrastructure? For example, certain parts of land are very windy but currently lacking a turbine? Why not put a turbine there!? Why not combine this kind of optimized decision making with a metaverse version of that space, giving SafeMoon the opportunity to really understand how new infrastructure would mesh with the existing physical space by trying it out beforehand? These kind of decisions would traditionally be done using a series of computer renders, analyzing data and then deploying new infrastructure in phased integration. That method has worked well enough in the past, but this is the Evolution [and the utilization of the blockchain will allow this data to be collected at incredible speeds].
With data fed to the blockchain in real-time, and AI to analyze the most optimal move to make at any given point, we can maximize efficiency in ensuring that the infrastructure being built is constantly the best use of resources. [In the last SafeMoon Sunday, Karony talked of their plans and ideas regarding the metaverse, macro IoT, and NFTs:
“So GAMA. So imagine being able to mint things in real life and then having an NFT counterpart also minted at the same time. Well, we’re looking to do more with our turbines, meaning when you purchase an NFT – a specific NFT line (Metaverse Development Experience NFTs or MDE NFTs) – a real-life turbine is minted, which means more wind is harnessed and more SafeMoon is burned. And what we’re also looking at doing is you’ll be able to receive crypto based off of the performance of the real-world counterpart, meaning if the turbine is set up and there’s a lot of wind going into it, the holder or holders of the NFT will be able to receive SafeMoon as well. So burn and receive SafeMoon, but we’ll be talking about those in the near future in its own special moment. “] In addition, maybe Mooncraft could implement a resource generator in Minecraft to create cool in-game perks. The sky really is the limit here. IoT devices aren’t new, but the means to share scientific data rapidly in real-time using blockchain technology is pretty new. And creating metaverse mirror versions of these devices with new perks is very new and extremely exciting!
Having a means to efficiently and methodically build up the foundations of this new infrastructure will save vast amounts of time and energy, allowing SafeMoon to continue innovating in new areas.
A massive thank you to Mazz, a SafeMoon Discord moderator, for sharing his thoughts and knowledge in this section! So much to think about!
SafeMoon Billboard
SafeMoon CEO John Karony standing in front of the SafeMoon billboard in New York Times Square!

“Looks better in person #SAFEMOONARMY. #SAFEMOON is the #Evolution!” he tweeted.

“The SafeMoon Times Square Billboard has been displayed 1,137 times since Jan 1st. 25,143 ads left until Dec 31st,” SafeMoon Warrior, a SafeMoon moderator, tweeted.
Exchange Migration Update
Update 01/17/2022 completed migration and has now opened deposits and trading of SFM (V2).

For those of you who are unaware, SafeMoon Education Manager CatsRus (Mark) hosts MoonCasts along with SafeMoon Community Manager Veno, SafeMoon Scholar and Discord moderator Gandalf, and sometimes Global Community Manager Mr. Adult. MoonCast is a SafeMoon Education Podcast that happens every Sunday over on the Official SafeMoon Discord! He live streams this on the SafeMoon Education YouTube channel and the Official SafeMoon Facebook Group. The MoonCast transcript from yesterday’s episode will publish tomorrow. Be sure to check back.

Today during MoonCast, CatsRus published the update for SafeMoon.Education’s Knowledge Base:, where you can find the most frequently asked questions and their answers. Click here to check it out!

BitMart Reflections
“FYI: Bitmart Reflections are now showing in funds history—>distribution record. As before, your reflections show as ‘refund of fee‘” – Galan, SafeMoon Sr. Mod

John on the SafeMoon Community Discord
John: Internet of evolution? SFM Holder: Lol. You coined that term here. I’m screenshoting that. But no. Internet of Everything. IoT is kind of old school I think as it focuses on physical objects only. IoE however, encompasses the four components (things, processes, data and people), and can imo be considered an extension og IoT, as it focus on decentralization and moving to the edge among another things.
John: Internet of the Evolution. Done.
SFM Holder: Where the exchanges at?
John: We are working through compliance. Also DEX is an exchange. We will be technically releasing a CEX.
John: IE releasing exchange number 2
SFM Holder: We need a direct buy button. Swab also with shib or saitama.
John: SHIB is already supported on the wallet and
SFM Holder: We need to get it on the app Capt. Thanks
John: it is…SHIB is supported on the app. And we are working through adding more tokens and coins
SFM Holder: I don’t see it
John: hit see all on your coins, there is a plus sign in the top right, click on that then tick the coins/tokens you want showing up
SFM Holder: How’s it going John?
John: Great! Just working through migrations. Even with the hack, I still enjoy working with the BitMart team. One of my favorite partners. It sucks that they were hacked, but they care about their users and do their best to do the right thing. And then there are others I do not enjoy working with….
SFM Holder: They increased withdrawal fees but still bitmart taking very low fees with tokenomics compared to other exchanges
John: They have to balance doing the right thing and not killing the business. However out of the CEXs we have listed with, they are indeed one of my favorites
SFM Holder: How was new York’s weather?
John: I had to defrost before one of my meetings. I then had to buy gloves.
SFM Holder: … I trust the SafeMoon Team especially JOHN.
John: Everything we do is to provide value to our users.
SFM Holder: Meetings eh?
John: It was in regards to some prospective metaverse partnership. We will see where it goes.
SFM Holder: Is it feasible to say our Volume will never be high compared to the rest of the top 100 because of the fact you can’t day trade sfm?
John: Reflections come from commerce volume as well.
Veno’s Riddle

On MoonCast,Veno stated that he will reveal the cryptic message on Wednesday. Meanwhile he has tweeted, “When it begins, the #SafeMoonCommunity will unite and become a beacon in the #crypto space.”

On Discord, he then added, “One glimpse, and you have only a moment. But stack up many side by side, and you have the vision to the full agenda.”

SafeMoon is the Evolution is the world’s premier 24/7 news feed website covering everything SafeMoon-related, including the SafeMoon V2 migration, exchange rates and Safemoon education.
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